The Rhys Method® Advanced Guided Meditations for transformation and manifesting are the most powerful meditations that we teach in the Rhys Thomas Institute.
Doing these guided meditations is like getting a private healing session with a Master Healer.
These Advanced Guided Meditations, combined with the crystal bowl meditations, Crystal Bowls Healings, and Life Purpose Profile work can make a radical and permanent change in your life.
It is highly recommended that you choose one of the Advanced Guided Meditations and do it for 40 days in a row. Then, notice what has changed in those 40 days. Everyone has a Michelangelo and a Martin Luther King within them. These meditations break the mental, emotional and social conditioning that has held you back from your greatness.
Re-patterning Attachments in the 12 Chakra Gateways Meditation
The Rhys Method® Advanced Guided Meditations for transformation and manifesting are the most powerful meditations that we teach in the Rhys Thomas Institute.
In the Re-Patterning Attachments in the 12 Chakra Gateways Meditation, you will release limiting patterns and blocks in each of the 12 chakra energy centers, and then replace them with your highest truth.
This guided meditation is the support you need to be free from the old and open to the new.

Cutting Energetic Cords Meditation
The Rhys Method® Advanced Guided Meditations for transformation and manifesting are the most powerful meditations that we teach in the Rhys Thomas Institute.
In the Cutting Energetic Cords Meditation, you directly experience how much energy you unconsciously invest in people, jobs, and events that drain you and leave you with too little energy to live your life purpose.
The Cutting Energetic Cords Meditation teaches you how to release energetic cords connecting you to others, cords that are not healthy and may be draining your energy. Then it shows you how to connect in a healthy way that supports you in being fully present and energized in all your relationships.

Wisdom Guide Meditation
The Rhys Method® Advanced Guided Meditations for transformation and manifesting are the most powerful meditations that we teach in the Rhys Thomas Institute.
In the Wisdom Guide Meditation, you learn to directly access the light and your highest forms of guidance. You will meet and connect with your spirit guides and get direct answers to your deepest questions in life.
This meditation will give you an expanded view of your life and direct guidance to live your life purpose daily.

Being a Creator Meditation
The Rhys Method® Advanced Guided Meditations for transformation and manifesting are the most powerful meditations that we teach in the Rhys Thomas Institute.
The Being a Creator Meditation is sheer magic. All of creation comes from a quantum soup of pure potential. We are part of that creative process. How we think, our level of clarity on what we want to create, and how we manage our emotional energy are the greatest factors in how the creative process works through us.
Most people create almost 100% unconsciously, The Being a Creator Meditation will change that for you. Now you just need to be careful what you ask for. ?
****Listen to the Being a Creator Meditation preparation track before listening to the meditation itself.

The Harnessing the Creative Force of the Heart Meditation
The Harnessing the Creative Force of the Heart Meditation, is an advanced version of the creator meditation. In it your directed how to connect your heart charka deep into the quantum field of infinite possibility to enhancing the quality and depth of the love and relationships you want to create in the world.

The Secret Place Meditation
The Secret Place Meditation is a foundational part of all the work Rhys teaches at the Rhys Thomas Institute in how to access the healing energy of the soul. To access your secret place is to access the soul quality within you with all its power to heal yourself and others, create the life of your dreams, and simply stop time and enjoy the moment fully.

What Do You Really Want
The What Do You Really Want meditation may be the most powerful way to heal your past and create healthy and loving relationships in your life. By doing this meditation regularly, you can literally re-write the emotional history of your life so you can freely open your heart again, ask for what you truly want, and get it!
This meditation is based on some very powerful inner child work exclusively created and taught at the Rhys Thomas Institute. Rhys believes that inner child work can do so much more than simply take you back to review the event of your childhood. In the What Do You Want meditation Rhys guides you back in time, not to be a witness, but to be a creator. The goal of this meditation is to reprogram any wounding the took place when parents were unable to give you exactly what you needed. In this meditation, you get to re-write the script of our childhood and in so doing re-wire your brain and body and memories in a way that allows you to now, as an adult, ask for what you really want.

Daily Meditation
The two Daily Meditations are a powerful way to start and finish your day.
The morning meditation “Awakening your Divine Creative force,” which energizes each of your chakra centers to attract and create new levels of success, health and fulfillment throughout the day.
The nighttime meditation “Capture the Gold of the day” which gives you a powerful daily review, letting you have a deep appreciation for what you have been given, and understanding of what did not serve you and letting go of the day is such a way that it prepares you for a deep sleep and dreams that will then enhance your success the next day.

Walking Your Talk Meditation
The Walking Your Talk Meditation is a powerful way to directly integrate the process of awakening into your body and daily life. It is a guided movement meditation that teaches you to embody divine spiritual qualities as you sit, stand, walk and lay down. In Rhys’ 25 years of study of martial arts he discovered that all of life is a moving meditation leading to mastery. The Walking Your Talk Meditation is an accelerated path to that mastery.

The Pleasure Current Meditation
The Pleasure Current Meditation is designed to supercharge your energy body and chakras with pure life force energy called Chi. During this guided mediation you will awaken the primary source of Chi energy which runs vertically through your body feeding your chakras, giving you more energy and consciousness and passion for all your daily activities.
At the Rhys Thomas Institute, this meditation is also used before all meditations and healings to prepare you for a greater awakening of consciousness. By activating the pineal gland, this meditation prepares your body for a more mystical experience and guidance. The goal of meditation is to access insights so real that they change the entire psyche and physiology of the body instantly. It is very hard to do that from a lower energy state physiologically and spiritually.

Rhys Thomas is a visionary author of the international best-selling book, “Discover Your Purpose: How To Use The 5 Life Purpose Profiles to Unlock Your Hidden Potential And Live The Life You Were Meant To Live.” He is a speaker and trainer in the energy mastery field and the creator of the Rhys Method® transformational system that is taught exclusively at the Rhys Thomas Institute and in the Rhys Method® coaching programs. Rhys uses the crystal bowl tones and these meditations to accelerate the student awakening and learning process.