What this client said to me can change your life…

(check out the video at the bottom of this e-mail where I will share the 3 keys to finding and living your spiritual purpose)

If I were a Genie in a bottle and could give you one thing… anything you want, what would you ask for?

I know, you are saying, “hey Genies give 3 wishes… “

Not this one…

and in truth every person at some point has to move beyond superficial wants and needs and figure out the one thing above all else they must connect with that lets them find true fulfillment in life. 

My 22 years running a 3 year energy medicine school can be gelled down to one realization: To live up to your highest potential you have to intimately know the one (really just one!) reason you showed up in this lifetime. 

I ask all my clients before I work with them what it is the #1 thing they desire to have or change most in their lives…

And just this morning I got this amazing answer from a new client.

So as you ponder how you would personally answer the Genie question…

Let me share what she said…. It might help.

BTW… of the thousands of answers to this question I get this one has a clarity to it that summarizes the awakening soul.

I am going to share it unedited… (and anonymously so we will call her Anne)

She said what she want most isFinding my spiritual purpose. Although I meditate and try to clear my chakras, there is still something blocking me to fulfill what I was meant to fulfill and help me reach my full potential as well as help others reach theirs.”

WOW!  In two sentences Anne summarized the desire to awaken and the invisible blocks that stop the process that everyone on the spiritual path are wrestling with. In a world where purpose is seen as a job, wealth and being famous, people are waking up to the crazy idea of being both successful, fulfilled and also make a real difference in other’s lives not just their own.

Is that too much to ask for? Is that crazy?

I say NOOOOO!  It is the only thing a sane person should ask for. 

So let’s call this crazy thing that no one in charge of anything in the world right now would call a life purpose, a “spiritual purpose.

To live your highest potential you must see yourself not as a work machine, but as a soul that is here to contribute and serve the greater good of all of humanity and beyond.

We are taught literally nothing about having a spiritual purpose growing up… and everything about having a cultural and societal purpose that is always related to in some way with a job that keeps the societal and governmental machine running… not your happiness. 

Those kinds of purposes tend to be paid purposes, like doctor, nurse, teacher, pro-athlete, business person, engineer, programmer, minister, psychologist, farmer, state worker, hour wage person, etc.  all of which can be your purpose, but usually are just jobs. 

…and “happiness” purposes that are just seen hobbies and generally only allowable on non-work hours, like mother, father, fairy godmother, volunteer, Samaritan, advocate, activist, artist, friend, mentor, teacher, poet, yogini, healer, meditator, hiker, runner, thinker, lover, surfer, spelunker, comedian, writer, life coach, beach bum, couch potato, etc.

In truth those are likely much closer to your real life purpose and what you do for work needs in some way to be blended with that. 

If you are a couch potato you are loving that Covid lets you work at home in your pajamas all day and you have your computer running through your big screen TV!  Don’t hide it, put it in on your resume!

If you are a poet and you need a job to support your passion of writing don’t feel like you are betraying your soul by working, just keep your notebook with you everywhere you go.

You don’t choose your spiritual purpose, it chooses you. It is an energetic soul quality that is your one purpose you are here to liberate in this lifetime, and as Anne said above, knowing it and sharing it is the only way you are able to help others find their own spiritual purpose.

(Check out this video on 3 super practical steps you can take to find and live your spiritual purpose)


p.s. And if you want work with me personally to awaken your spiritual purpose

Join me at the Insight Live in-person and Zoomed Event on June 12th in Dedham MA,  where through just one powerful insight you can clear away years of trial and error and start living your spiritual purpose now that you are here to share out into the world…

Check out INSIGHT here, seating will be limited in person in Dedham MA.

Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas, the founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, has turned the art of energy healing into a science of personal empowerment.

My name is Rhys Thomas and when I turned 40, I wanted to know “why” even though I appeared to be successful in almost every part of my life and career, I still felt empty.
I became a personal growth junkie for year with no real shift. Then I got serious and attended a 4 year training in energy medicine that introduced me to chakras and so much more. Energy healing, combined with my love of marital arts helped me realize that I was not empty I had just blocked my ability to feel and see through all of my energy centers. I had blinders and didn’t know it. I was putting more attention on living societies dream of success, not my soul’s. But even this did not fully heal me, there was something missing. That is why I create my 4 Dimensional Healing system that that has awakened and deep send of empowerment, love and fulfillment in thousands of people who have worked with me. 30 day to Self-healing Through the chakras is the first leg in this system.

Now I am thrilled to be giving to you what took me 20 years to create in this 30 day training. I wish someone had give it to me 30 year ago.

This information is life like dynamite for anywhere you are stuck in your life or feeling disconnected, it has changed the lives of thousands in my programs and the institute. Now its your turn to use this wisdom to take your life, like I did from empty to fulfilled, energized and joyous.

When you say “YES” to this awakening and evolutionary journey up through the chakras you will unlock the mysteries of the world around and within you.