How to use Energy Healing to Change the World Around You

I have some big news to share with you…

Today you are going to get clarity on your Soul’s Mission and Purpose.

Big promise, but I can deliver and here’s how I’m going to do it.

In this email I reveal the link to your first training video in my 3 Part Energy Mastery Video Series.

Over the next few days I’ll be creating and delivering the highest level of training yet to those who are most sincere and authentically dedicated on my email list.

And by the end of this 3 Part Video Series you will know:


How Energy Healing is the spark that changed the world


How to (make more money?) doing work that’s more aligned with your deeper soul’s purpose


How to have better relationships and have more fun personally


How to create better health so you can live a long enjoyable life of contribution and meaning

So, back to today’s video! 

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

“You can’t heal yourself! That’s what doctors are for.”

Now I know… you’re a big person now, and have your own ideas about healing and medicine!

But if you were brought up to believe that when you’re really sick you go to a doctor so you can get a pill to fix your inner chemistry…

or go to therapy [more pills] to get your head straight…

or surgery…

for the first 30 plus years of your life…

One… you’re not alone!

And two, as small as it may seem…

That programming may be affecting your energy level in such a way that it’s holding you back and keeping you from living your highest purpose and potential.

This might be where that feeling of being small or unfulfilled at work, helplessly watching the love in your life grow stale as you struggle to keep everything else together… or being surprised by a sudden illness, taking your health and body away… comes from.

I’m so excited because today you’re going to learn something instrumental and immediately transformative.

Now, I present to you a video I had a lot of fun recording for you. 🙂

Video One: The Biggest Lie you’re Told About Your Ability to Heal

If you are done putting the power to heal in the hands of others and realize that healing doesn’t come in a bottle, it comes from INSIDE you… then you HAVE to watch this video today.

Watch the video now so you can follow along each day and see the results of these practices and this method in your own life.

You are greater than you know…


This may be obvious to some, but it comes as a shock to many people I talk to…

Life mastery, spiritual attainment, and the power to heal takes time and commitment, and it’s been that way for 10’s of thousands of years, and nothing has changed!

Only recently becoming a famous person or billionaire became the goal of life on planet Earth.

[Supper sad state of affairs] but this can change in the blink of an eyelash!

Truly the most worthwhile endeavor a human being can undertake in a lifetime is to discover what it is that they are here personally to share with the world, not take from it.

How did we forget this?

If you’ve been waiting to tap into your mission in life and your power to transform yourself and the world around you, the Rhys Thomas Institute’s Spiritual Healing And Coaching Academy [Level 1 Training] is opening for applications on Thursday!

Although you may be saying… “Don’t you open the school to new students every year?” NOPE NOT THIS YEAR! we skipped it because I have wanted to make the first year of the training even better, even more life changing, even more accessible, even more affordable and where I am your personal coach and mentor! And you can even do it on your schedule!

Well, I did it… and since this is the Flagship voyage I want it to be perfect, I will be limiting this special enrolment to a select few but giving you all kinds of discounts and perks and a special mystery bonus worth $1000 for early adopters who enroll now.

The bonus is a surprise but I can say you don’t want to miss it!

I can’t wait to see you there! But before you press the button that changes your life forever…


I want to share something important with you.

A lot of people think they don’t have the power to heal themselves, so they live in fear of getting sick…

But that’s not true. In truth they have a physical and energetic immunity that is miraculous.

These same fears make them see any symptom in their bodies as the problem…

But symptoms are never the real problem, there is always a driving force behind them, within every illness is the cure and when someone knows that at the energetic level they live in peace with their health and wellbeing.

You already have the power to heal yourself and others.

What you need is training. Training in HOW to use this power correctly. Think of what you could do with that power…

Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas, the founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, has turned the art of energy healing into a science of personal empowerment.

My name is Rhys Thomas and when I turned 40, I wanted to know “why” even though I appeared to be successful in almost every part of my life and career, I still felt empty.
I became a personal growth junkie for year with no real shift. Then I got serious and attended a 4 year training in energy medicine that introduced me to chakras and so much more. Energy healing, combined with my love of marital arts helped me realize that I was not empty I had just blocked my ability to feel and see through all of my energy centers. I had blinders and didn’t know it. I was putting more attention on living societies dream of success, not my soul’s. But even this did not fully heal me, there was something missing. That is why I create my 4 Dimensional Healing system that that has awakened and deep send of empowerment, love and fulfillment in thousands of people who have worked with me. 30 day to Self-healing Through the chakras is the first leg in this system.

Now I am thrilled to be giving to you what took me 20 years to create in this 30 day training. I wish someone had give it to me 30 year ago.

This information is life like dynamite for anywhere you are stuck in your life or feeling disconnected, it has changed the lives of thousands in my programs and the institute. Now its your turn to use this wisdom to take your life, like I did from empty to fulfilled, energized and joyous.

When you say “YES” to this awakening and evolutionary journey up through the chakras you will unlock the mysteries of the world around and within you.