Sunday Insight: The Power of Archetypes

Have you ever wondered why no matter where you go, or what you do, you seem to have a destiny, whether you like it or not, to attract certain kinds of people?  Certain kinds of situations?  Certain battles?  Certain opportunities?  And no one else you know has to deal with what you have to?

Check out this totally awesome video on the how archetypes work in your life.

The reason is simple:  you have archetypal soul contracts that act like universal filters for what you can and can’t have, and will and will not attract or have the ability to do.

For years people have been calling it the law of attraction, but the false premise in law of attraction is that you can want or be anything you want.  That could not be further from the truth.

If you don’t have an archetypal soul contract and the energetic wiring that goes with it, when you set your mind to attract money or fame (for example), you will never get it.   Or, if you do use your will to force it into your life, it will not work or last for long, or it will make you even more miserable.  It is like trying to be someone you are not, it takes too much energy to be someone you are not, and when you run the wrong energy through your circuits, you get stressed and sick.

But with that said, an easy rule of thumb is… if you don’t know who you are, you will constantly be at odds with your  life and the people in it, and when you know who you are, you are in love with your life, even the challenging parts of it.

This is why the foundational part of the Life Mastery Training at the Rhys Thomas Institute helps you discover your purpose as a Leader, or Achiever, or Caretaker, or Lover, or Creative. Those are the biggest human archetypes that if you don’t know which one of those you are, or which you are wishing you were but you are not, your life never quite feels like it’s yours.

So let’s say you know which one of those 5 primary profile archetypes you are and you have read my book, Discover Your Purpose or have done my on line course The Missing Piece.  Now what?

The next level is to see the secondary archetypes that you have contracted with to keep you on track in your life.

Check out this video for another amazing tool for self-discovery, the archetypes!

Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas, the founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, has turned the art of energy healing into a science of personal empowerment.

My name is Rhys Thomas and when I turned 40, I wanted to know “why” even though I appeared to be successful in almost every part of my life and career, I still felt empty.
I became a personal growth junkie for year with no real shift. Then I got serious and attended a 4 year training in energy medicine that introduced me to chakras and so much more. Energy healing, combined with my love of marital arts helped me realize that I was not empty I had just blocked my ability to feel and see through all of my energy centers. I had blinders and didn’t know it. I was putting more attention on living societies dream of success, not my soul’s. But even this did not fully heal me, there was something missing. That is why I create my 4 Dimensional Healing system that that has awakened and deep send of empowerment, love and fulfillment in thousands of people who have worked with me. 30 day to Self-healing Through the chakras is the first leg in this system.

Now I am thrilled to be giving to you what took me 20 years to create in this 30 day training. I wish someone had give it to me 30 year ago.

This information is life like dynamite for anywhere you are stuck in your life or feeling disconnected, it has changed the lives of thousands in my programs and the institute. Now its your turn to use this wisdom to take your life, like I did from empty to fulfilled, energized and joyous.

When you say “YES” to this awakening and evolutionary journey up through the chakras you will unlock the mysteries of the world around and within you.