THE RHYS THOMAS INSTITUTE PROGRAMS are for people who are ready to take a quantum leap in their physical energy, personal mission, relationships, and in their deepest sense of purpose in the world. They are called to this work to awaken that which is extraordinary within them so they can be inspirational lights in the world today.
At the Rhys Thomas Institute we work with people who are successful and heart-centered, but feel deeply that there is still something missing in their life, something more, something big! But they can’t quite put their finger on it. Simultaneously they feel a calling deep within them to a higher purpose to contribute in the world in some greater way.
We show each student their unique and extraordinary purpose hidden within them and that through that power they can learn the secret of how to stand fully in their joy, passion, presence, community, and their true transcendent life purpose, both individually and in the world.
Make real and permanent change in your life! This is not a weekend workshop, it is powerful experiential commitment to your empowerment.
“TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE YOU MUST FEEL WHO YOU ARE,” not think who you are or are supposed to be intellectually. Your deepest purpose calls you in every moment to stand up and make a difference. We coach you to fully embrace your deepest callings and take action in your life.