Rhys Method® Life Purpose Profiles Questionnaire

Find Out Who You Were Born to Be!

The full Rhys Method® Life Purpose Profiles Questionnaire has 350+ questions/statements. We have split the full questionnaire up into 3 easily managed “mini-questionnaires” of 150 statements or less. For $15 you can take the Rhys Method® Life Purpose Profiles Questionnaire #1, which has 150 statements. Then, if you wish to “hone” your profile choices, then you can take #2 and then #3 for $5 each. Each one will provide you with an overview of what your answers say about you and where you fit within the 5 profiles. You can add up the “score” from each test to find your primary and secondary profiles.


The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you take the first step in uncovering which profiles are operating most strongly in your life. It is through this lens that you will learn to see your life purpose clearly.

Once you take the questionnaire you will get your results, as well as the link to take Questionnaires 2 and 3. Then you can go to the descriptions of the Life Purpose Profiles to get more information about your profile.

Take the Questionnaire Now – Just $15!

Continue to Read the Descriptions of the Rhys Method® Life Purpose Profiles


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