Take the Rhys Method system of Mastery, Healing and Transformation to the next level. No matter how much you know who you are and what your life purpose is, you still need daily strategy, focus and discipline to integrate what you learn in class. That is coaching!
Masters all had master teachers…and coaches. Teachers show the way, coaches are the task masters who hold you to what you say you really want.
Who wins more, the person who knows the most, or the one who does the most with what they know?
Going Deep, Taking Action, Making Permanent Change!
What is Life Mastery Coaching (LMC)?
The LMC is an optional training and accountability coaching program for students in the Life Mastery Training Program (LMT). The LMC program meets the Monday after each class retreat weekend to fully integrate what you have learned on that weekend and gives you even more personalized one on one and small group coaching support throughout the school year.
Who is LMC for?
The program was first set up for the super achiever students that have worked with coaches before and wanted the fast track to integrating all the amazing work they are learning in the school directly into their lives NOW!
It is also a place for people who may not be as internally motivated, but have an urgent and pressing issue (career, relationship or health) and know they want additional support and accountability to move beyond that issue this year!
Who is the LMC program not for?
The LMC program is not for those who are really good at self-motivating, or are already pushed to their limits physically, emotionally or financially, or who are just not called to it.
Action is the Key to all success/ LMT and LMC
All students at the Rhys Thomas Institute LMT program are given the tools and strategy for total life transformation and living your unique life purpose through the extensive curriculum and materials offered throughout the year.
The LMC coaching program does not add any new study material, but is focused on direct application of class materials in your life through creative strategies and accountability to take action on them in your life now.
Teachers vs. coaches?
Teachers are guides that show the way and let you choose your own path how to get there.
Coaches are mentors and task masters who hold you to what you say you really want, help you set achievable goals and walk you step by step to them.
The Win-Win
Who wins more? the person who knows the most, or the one who does the most with what they know? If you think coaching may be right for you e-mail support@rhysthomasinstitute.com and we will set you up with a call with Rhys or one of the coaches.
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