Crystal Bowl Recordings Healings and Meditation Downloads:
All recordings are a combination of premier crystal bowl sound healing technologies, healing chants, a deep understanding of the bodies energetic system, and Full Spectrum and Energy Mastery Healing techniques.
The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowl recordings are specifically created for the following areas:
- Meditation Audio’s–Even beginner meditators can hold the deepest states of consciousness.
- Personal Growth–This Audio has all twelve tones on it and is used to discover your core tone, as a life assessment tool and daily practice to learn to hold every level of the energy field.
- Healing Audio’s for Illness–These are focused specifically for the patient who wishes to support their own healing process and to give practitioners energetic support in healing work on certain illness.
- Healing Audio’s for Practitioners–These hold the essence of four different forms of healing: Full Spectrum Healing, Reiki, Massage, and EFT. They are for practitioners to play in the background during healing sessions.
The combination of the many bowls, toning and chanting on each recording creates a powerful healing experience. The regular use of these crystal bowl and voice recordings will trigger your joy, enthusiasm and a powerful immune response in your body.
Use these tones on awakening in the morning and on going to bed for best results. They can also be used as background support during the day.
Meditation and healing recordings are designed to help you navigate into more open, resourceful and empowered states of being.
The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowl Meditations
The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowl Meditations are a powerful new technology that is designed to awaken your mind and energy system to its fullest potential. The crystal bowl music on these Audio’s instantly creates a deep, master-level meditative state of awareness that includes body, mind and spirit. Meditation masters lower the normal mental chatter or white noise in their mind so that they can allow their energy field to communicate directly to them without the mental filter. The goal of the master is not to leave the body, but to fully embody it, so that all channels of awareness are open. This opens the master to direct guidance from the higher self and soul that is unavailable in normal consciousness. This guidance is how your soul communicates your life purpose to you in each moment.
When meditating with the Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls, position yourself so that you are completely relaxed. Tension in the body blocks the natural energetic flow in the aura and limits your ability to receive information. Listening to the bowls immediately upon awakening or just before sleep are the most effective times to re-pattern your energy. Every sensation in your body is guidance to awaken you to your life purpose in each moment, learning to hear these subtle voices takes regular practice. I suggest using a journal to note the body parts and experiences that arise during your meditation.
The Meditation Series Audio’s are designed to awaken specific essential states of being and support you in learning to access those levels of consciousness to live a more vibrant and fulfilling life.
All Crystal Bowl recordings are downloadable audio files in MP3 format.
Full Energetic Balance
This Audio brings all of the systems of the mind, body and spirit into balance. Very peaceful and grounding.
Touching Your Soul
Embracing Your Life Purpose
Awakening Intelligence
Awakening Universal Love
Awakening Inner Power and Self Esteem
Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios
Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios are a powerful new technology that is designed to support the healing of specific illnesses and trigger the immune response to illness. These Audios can be used by clients or by practitioners. In both cases, the Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios tones are specifically crafted to support the holding of the energetic field needed to bring the illness and dis-ease back into harmony and health.
Illness and dis-ease occur when a person’s energetic body and life come out of balance with their life purpose. Stress created by the resistance to the events in life is the primary contributor to illness and disharmony. The disharmony within the system blocks natural energy flow and normal mind and body function which in turn, create what we experience as pain, suffering and illness. The goal of illness is to remind the person to come back into balance in their life in some way. The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios are designed to create a peaceful supportive environment in which the energetic body and mind come out of resistance and back into harmony from specific illness and energetic imbalance.
Healing Music for Practitioners
– This product is coming soon!
The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios for the Practitioner are designed to play in the background of a healing or therapeutic session for one full hour and will support both the practitioner and the client. The crystal bowls hold a powerful energetic space where the practitioner is held and supported in keeping their energy balanced and flowing. Regular use of crystal bowls supports and trains the practitioner’s energy body to stay vibrant and detached during healing work while keeping the usual fatigue and stress that builds up during sessions to a minimum.
The Rhys Method® Crystal Bowls Healing Audios can also be purchased by practitioners to support specific illnesses and specific healing modalities.
Healing Music for Reiki
The Reiki healing Audios are specifically designed to hold the core vibrational quality of Reiki energy. In Reiki, a deep connection is made between the 7th chakra and the Heart chakra that allows a stream of unconditional love to flow out of the hands of the Reiki practitioner. The one hour Audios hold this quality of energy effortlessly even for beginner Reike practitioners. Each Audio also has a healing focus that melodically supports the focus of the Reiki session
The two Reiki Healings Audios currently available are:
Reiki for Illness and Pain Relief
Reiki for Higher Wisdom and Guidance
$12.00 Coming Soon!
Healing Music for Full Spectrum Energy Mastery Healing
– Coming Soon!!!
Healing Audios for Full Spectrum Energy Mastery Healing are designed around the eighteen healings taught at the Rhys Thomas Institute’s three-year certificate program. Full Spectrum Healings are usually 25 minutes long and are very specifically guided through the entire twelve levels of the field to create a deep balance at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Essential healer training for the Energy Mastery Practitioners is given by the Audios by supporting the practitioners in learning to hold their energy field for each of the healings.
Healing Music for Full Spectrum Energy Mastery Healing
$12.00 Coming Soon!
Healing Music for Massage
– Coming Soon
The Massage Healing Audios are specifically designed to hold the core vibrational quality of a full, one hour massage. In massage, the practitioner must be extremely grounded and connect the client deeply into the physical and stress- relieving qualities of the lower chakras. The music is very peaceful and holds the primal safety and majesty of the body as the essential vessel of life. In massage, emotional stress is constantly being released from the tissues of the client, and the practitioner must stay grounded both physically and emotionally in order to avoid taking on their clients’ stress as they exert large amounts of pressure to release the blocked areas. All of the massage Audios create a field of energy that de-stress and support the practitioner in recovery and staying in balance during the sessions.
The two Massage Audios soon to be available are:
Massage for Stress and Pain Relief
$12.00 Coming Soon!
Massage for Self-Love and Inner Peace
$12.00 Coming Soon!
Healing Music for EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)/Meridian Tapping
The EFT/Meridian Tapping Healing Audios are specifically designed to hold the core vibrational quality of EFT/Meridian Tapping energy. In EFT/Meridian Tapping, the client is led into becoming aware of the lower self and shadows and then unconscious emotional blocks that are affecting the client’s daily life are removed. Bringing the emotional body out of a panic, phobia or limiting pattern takes a high level of consciousness and a body, mind and emotional balancing during the meridian tapping session. The EFT/Meridian Tapping Audios are embedded with this connection between the conscious and subconscious aspects of the client. These Audios are designed to be played at a very low level as to not interfere with tapping communication between the EFT/Meridian Tapping practitioner and client.
The two EFT/Meridian Tapping Healings currently available are:
EFT/Tapping to Release Fears and Past Traumas
EFT/Tapping for Manifesting Money, Abundance, and Owning Your Powers
$12.00 Coming Soon!
Soul Chant Download
This is an 8 minute recording that you will enjoy.
Soul Chant Download
All Crystal Bowl recordings are downloadable audio files in MP3 format.