Monday Motivation: [Video] The Future is For the Courageous

Happy Labor Day!! 

Today we honor all the amazing human beings that have built and supported the world we live in with their sweat, energy, commitment and in some cases their lives.

You are the courageous ones who actually have all the power in the world to create whatever future we can all dream together.  We just have to change the current narrative that says you don’t.

And though the tradition of Labor Day is about the big companies and the US government who control the narrative and therefor control the dream, giving their slave laborers one day a year off to honor the other 364 days of service we willingly give, and pay tax’s on!

…and in most cases just to eke out a meager existence

Maybe it’s time for a revolution where the 99% take back the power

Not one fought with guns and bombs… but with energy and consciousness.

Real change only happens in your life and in the world from the inside out. From aligning your life with why you were truly born.  No one was born to be a slave or a worker… when everyone realizes their divine purpose and calling to do something amazing in the world, we will see a world not at war or in crisis but one of infinite possibility…

On this Labor Day, we all can start moving toward that inner vision and away from the current system that limits our vision and potential down to a worker bee mentality.  

Check out this short Labor Day Video of inspiration I just made… 

When the outside world comes crashing down, it’s time to look inside…

For the last 20 years, the Rhys Thomas institute of Energy Healing has helped thousands of people make positive transitions to happier, healthier and more beautiful lives and careers.

And on October 15-17, at our flag ship virtual live event, Awaken!, I am not just going to tell you, I am going to show you how we do it! 

Awaken! is a 3 day Live Virtual Event…  This year’s theme is “Stepping into Your Hero’s Journey,” where I will be offering the best of what I teach in my 3 year Life Mastery Training that has changed thousands of lives for the better.

At the Awaken! Live Event get ready for three enlightening days of energy healing, brain-shifting meditations, unlocking your greatest gifts, and letting your authentic self shine! 

Awaken! is a totally virtual, fully interactive, experiential, and “binge worthy” event that will give you the tools you need to navigate a totally new life.  

If this is the year you align your life, your message, and your vision, with your deepest soul purpose… and step into your true Hero’s Journey

The Awaken! Live virtual event- Your Hero’s Journey, will be a fantastic launching pad. 

Click here to find out more and register for 3 full days of Hero’s Journey training, for “Ready to Change Your Life” price of just $27, and with your ticket you can Invite a friend for free.

This pandemic and change in the world is waking up the 99% and creating an opportunity for real power, this is where you take it! 

Commit to making this the year you let go of your fears and activate your highest potential to live a more impactful life of contribution and joy!  

Click here to register for the training that will awaken within you who you truly are and what your part is in the next labor revolution. 

See you at Awaken! 

P.S. This is what others who have attended Awaken! are saying

“Awaken was very eye opening!”

“I will now practice listening more to my inner guidance, and stop fighting against my warrior that I just discovered is a big part of my life purpose.” ~Holly Wytrych

“I have awoken something inside me that I have not listened to for a long time, so thank you so much for these valuable days.  I am listening now.” ~David Gonzalez

Rhys Thomas

Rhys Thomas, the founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, has turned the art of energy healing into a science of personal empowerment.

My name is Rhys Thomas and when I turned 40, I wanted to know “why” even though I appeared to be successful in almost every part of my life and career, I still felt empty.
I became a personal growth junkie for year with no real shift. Then I got serious and attended a 4 year training in energy medicine that introduced me to chakras and so much more. Energy healing, combined with my love of marital arts helped me realize that I was not empty I had just blocked my ability to feel and see through all of my energy centers. I had blinders and didn’t know it. I was putting more attention on living societies dream of success, not my soul’s. But even this did not fully heal me, there was something missing. That is why I create my 4 Dimensional Healing system that that has awakened and deep send of empowerment, love and fulfillment in thousands of people who have worked with me. 30 day to Self-healing Through the chakras is the first leg in this system.

Now I am thrilled to be giving to you what took me 20 years to create in this 30 day training. I wish someone had give it to me 30 year ago.

This information is life like dynamite for anywhere you are stuck in your life or feeling disconnected, it has changed the lives of thousands in my programs and the institute. Now its your turn to use this wisdom to take your life, like I did from empty to fulfilled, energized and joyous.

When you say “YES” to this awakening and evolutionary journey up through the chakras you will unlock the mysteries of the world around and within you.