Imagine living with your heart wide open, mmmmm…
It’s your natural state, you know? You lived in that state of openness as a child most of the time.
Reach back, waaaayyyy back to a time in your childhood that you just loved being alive….
Did time seem to stand still? Did you play, or hide or read or create? Were you a super hero, a heroin in novel, a princess or pro athlete? Could you fly? What did that feel like? Feel it in your body right now.
Don’t tell anyone, but that feeling is your heart opening. That is how you love yourself.
Now, think about how you felt earlier today, or generally in your life, was it the same as when you were a child? Let’s face it, the answer is often NO. Have you been stressed or distracted or had an argument or a cold war with someone? Whatever it is feel what that feels like in your body.
Not so Yummmmmm.
I won’t tell anyone, but that feeling is your heart closing.
Energetically when you love yourself, you feel like you did as a child, and when you don’t, you feel like an adult with more responsibilities or worries in a day than you have day to deal with.
Which one do you think will help you live longer, have better relationships, wake up every day thrilled to be alive?
Hmmmmmm… not a hard choice.
Ok, so how do you do it?
Heart tip #6 is, love yourself first!!!!
I am sharing these tips on the heart because an open heart is the key to your health, great relationships and a deep sense of purpose in life, the 3 things I teach at the Rhys Thomas Institute.
Join me at AWAKEN! May 14-15, and learn the techniques I use in the Institute to open your heart and awaken you to highest purpose.
Register now and bring a guest for free!!!
If you missed any of the first 5 heart tips, check them out here.
And don’t miss my LIVE blab happening Thursday, April 7th at 8:00ET. Click here to learn more.