Title: Open House at the Rhys Thomas Institute of Energy Medicine
Location: Sostice Healing Arts Center, Medway, MA
Link out: Click here
Description: Experience what it is really like in the program!
We welcome you to join us at an open house and experience exactly what it will be like as a student in the school.
Whether you are serious or just curious about enrolling in this life changing program, the open house will answer all your questions.
Rhys Thomas Institute Open House
Led by the founder and director, Rhys Thomas himself, and his head teacher Lisa Campion, you will walk through a mini version of a day in the school, experiencing each aspect of the program.
You will also have an opportunity to hear from current students and graduates about their experiences and breakthroughs.
If the idea of taking a huge step forward in personal development AND becoming a Full Spectrum Energy Medicine Practitioner is calling you, you owe it to yourself to take the next step in finding out more!
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-06-15
End Time: 21:00